Tuesday, July 5, 2011

AFA Defends Texas Prayer Rally

The American Family Association, the main backer of the Christianist prayer rally so heavily promoted by Texas Gov. Rick Perry, say the event will not violate the separation of church and state.
"The Response is an open event. Anyone who wants to pray to Jesus for a nation in crisis is welcome to attend. Next, The Response is a prayer event, not a political event," Wildmon says. "No political candidates will be speaking. Finally our critics say The Response violates the separation of church and state. The event will be held at a public stadium which has no connection to a religious body."
Right Wing Watch asks: "So does that mean that Gov. Perry, the man who is responsible for the entire event and is serving as its public face, will be not be speaking at the event? Or does it mean that he will speak because he is not going to be a political candidate running for office?"

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